
Open Source

Source code and licensing

Open source software is incredibly important and especially so when your most sensitive information is at stake. You have a right to always be able to access your data and we want to ensure that right can't be taken away from you.

We also want to protect our right to benefit from our work so it's a fine balancing act.

Our software is split into several components the majority of which is written in Rust and some Dart code for the GUI. All the Rust code is open source under liberal licenses. The SDK and command line tools are licensed under either MIT or Apache-2.0 at your discretion and the self-hosted server is licensed under AGPL-3.0.

The Dart code for the GUI which interacts with the application logic in the Rust SDK will remain closed source for now; later we may release this code under a source-available, non-commercial license. In the meantime, to protect our intellectual property and to protect people against copycats and phishing the GUI code is not public.