The latest release of the app is available to download on the home page or select a file from the list below; to download earlier releases you can browse the releases archive and see the installation docs for more information.
November 28, 2024
MacOSsaveoursecrets.pkg (universal) Checksum | Signature |
Debiansaveoursecrets.deb (x86_64) Checksum | Signature |
Red Hatsaveoursecrets.rpm (x86_64) Checksum | Signature |
Flatpaksaveoursecrets.flatpak (x86_64) Checksum | Signature |
Windowssaveoursecrets.msi (x86_64) Checksum | Signature |
Androidsaveoursecrets.apk (universal) Checksum | Signature |
We recommend verifying the integrity of downloaded releases to ensure they have not been corrupted. To verify the integrity of a download fetch the corresponding SHA256 checksum file (.sha256.txt
file extension) and compare the checksum with the downloaded file. For example the latest beta release for MacOS:
For all platforms the computed checksum must match the value in the checksum file to be trusted.
shasum -a 256 saveoursecrets.pkg
cat saveoursecrets.pkg.sha256.txt
sha256sum saveoursecrets.pkg
cat saveoursecrets.pkg.sha256.txt
Windows Powershell
$checksum = Get-FileHash -Path "saveoursecrets.msi" -Algorithm SHA256
All of our release artifacts are signed using Sigstore; signature files have a .sig.txt
file extension.
To verify the signature for a release artifact first install cosign and then download our signing public key. Afterwards, download the release artifact and corresponding signature, for example the latest beta release for MacOS:
Then you can verify the signature with cosign
cosign verify-blob \
--key \
--signature saveoursecrets.pkg.sig.txt \