If you need to know where the app installs files for debugging or perhaps you decide you don't need the app anymore this page describes the installed files for desktop platforms.
On MacOS the app is installed into your user Applications directory:
/Users/<username>/Applications/Save Our Secrets.app
Account data is written to the Application Support folder:
/Users/<username>/Library/Application Support/SaveOurSecrets/
A helper executable for communicating with the browser extension is installed to:
Native manifests are required to allow the browser extension to communicate with the helper executable, these are installed to:
/Library/Application Support/Chromium/NativeMessagingHosts/com.saveoursecrets.native_bridge.json
/Library/Application Support/Mozilla/NativeMessagingHosts/com.saveoursecrets.native_bridge.json
On Linux the app is installed to:
And a symbolic link to the executable is created here:
Account data is written to the .local/share directory:
A helper executable for communicating with the browser extension is installed to:
And a symbolic link is created here:
Native manifests for the browser extension are installed here:
On Windows the app is installed to:
C:\Program Files (x86)\Save Our Secrets\saveoursecrets.exe
Account data is written to the user's AppData/Local directory:
The browser extension helper executable and native manifests are all contained in the installation folder.
C:\Program Files (x86)\Save Our Secrets\
Registry Entries
We create registry entries so that browsers can locate the native manifests and to register the sos:
URL protocol.