

Last Updated :

If you decide you don't want the app anymore we'll be sorry to see you go but we respect your right to choose so here is information on how to uninstall the app on the various platforms.

We recommend macking a backup archive or exporting your secrets to another app before uninstalling.

When you remove the app from iOS or Android all data including your encrypted secrets are deleted; if you don't have a backup or copy on another device you won't be able to recover your secrets.


On iOS remove the app and all your secrets by long-tapping the app icon and selecting Remove app, tap Delete App to confirm and the app and all your secrets will be deleted.


On Android remove the app and all your secrets by long-tapping the app icon and selecting Uninstall, tap OK to confirm and the app and all your secrets will be deleted.


Delete the ~/Applications/Save Our Secrets.app file to uninstall the app; if you also want to delete your secrets you can delete the account data directory and configuration files, see installation paths for more details.


On Debian you can use dpkg to remove the app:

sudo dpkg -r com.saveoursecrets

Or on Redhat based distros if you installed from the RPM file:

sudo rpm -r saveoursecrets.rpm

If you also want to delete your secrets you can delete the account data directory and configuration files, see installation paths for more details.


On Windows if you have the .msi installer file you can right-click, select Show more options and then click Uninstall.

If you don't have the .msi installer delete the app folder:

C:\Program Files (x86)\Save Our Secrets\

If you also want to delete your secrets you can delete the account data see installation paths for more details.